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game of chance是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

game of chance

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n.1.a game, usually played for money, in which the outcome depends to some degree on chance, e.g. on the throw of dice

1.游戏法院于2010年裁定德州扑克是一个以运气机率为主的游戏(game of chance),因为“简单的数学、策略及心理学在此游戏中所 …

2.机会对策 game in partition function form 分拆函数形对策 game of chance 机会对策 game of hex 六角形对策 ...

3.靠碰运气取胜的游戏 game fowl 猎鸟; 猎禽; 斗鸡 game of chance 靠碰运气取胜的游戏 game park 野生动物保护区 ...

4.机遇赛局 ... 赛局矩阵 game matrix 机遇赛局 game of chance 赛局论;对局论 game theory ...


1.About the Word: Hazard dates to the time of the Crusaders and involves a game of chance.Hazard一词的来源要追溯到十字军东征时期,与投机游戏有关。

2.Now more than ever, Wall Street seems to resemble an immense game of chance in which the tables are often tilted and the house always wins.华尔街看起来类似一个很大的赌博游戏,只是赌桌有些倾斜,庄家总是赢家。现在更是如此。

3.CHECKERS (or draughts, as it is known in Britain) used to be a fun game of chance.国际跳棋(美国叫checkers,英国叫draughts)曾是一种有趣的博弈游戏。

4.One of my favorite Avengers moments involves Hawkeye cheating on a game of chance with the Gamesmaster.我最喜欢的复仇者时刻是鹰眼在一次游戏中对游乐至尊耍花招。

5.Whether life was an honest game of chance, or whether the cards were marked and forced, he could not refuse to play his excellent hand.不论生活是否是机遇的公平竞争,也不管那些牌是否被做了标记或带有强迫性,他都必须出自己最好的那张牌。

6.Because sports betting is a game of chance, betting is always risky.由于体育打赌是机会对策,打赌总是危险的。

7.In a duel, as in a game of chance , both parties willingly agree to run a risk.在一场决斗中,和一场风险游戏中一样,双方都甘心情愿冒险。

8.Early in his fringe career, Lando acquired the Millennium Falcon in a game of chance.在黑道生涯的早期,兰多在一次贝者博中意外赢得千年隼。

9.A game of chance and a game of skill. Take a game of pure chance.一个靠运气,一个靠技巧,先看纯靠运气的游戏。

10.A result of the game of chance is revealed to a player in another medium.概率游戏的结果是在另一个媒体中揭示给玩家的。
